Connecting with Drivers
There are 3 ways a Carrier may connect with a Driver.
Create a Driver Profile
Select Create Driver and you will be re-directed to the Create Driver profile page.
Enter all the required fields shown. Select a home location for the driver by either entering a location name in the field provided or clicking on the map shown.
Use the Driver List tab to see all Drivers you are connected with. Drivers whose record appears in white are Company Drivers and those in green are Sub-Contractor or Freelance Drivers you are connected to.
Select Create Driver and you will be re-directed to the Create Driver profile page.
Send a Driver an Invitation to Connect
Select Invite a Driver from the side bar menu.
Search for a Driver by name or home location.
Once a Driver has accepted your Invitation their record will appear in green.
Select Invite a Driver from the side bar menu.
Accept an Invitation to Connect from a Driver
Select Driver Invitations from the side bar menu.
You can also select Driver Invitations for the tab at the top of the Drivers screen. On this screen you will see all Invitations sent from Drivers.
Drivers you have connected with will also be highlighted in green on your Drivers List screen.
Select Driver Invitations from the side bar menu.